Thursday, May 14, 2020

An Inquiry Into Human Enquiry - 1228 Words

26837567 Philosophy 4 15 April 2016 An Inquiry into Human Enquiry In An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume argues for the division of human enquiry into two types: relations of ideas and matters of fact. Relations of ideas are certain and may be found through only thinking, while matters of fact are uncertain and depend on the world around us (Hume 18-19). I will argue in this paper that Hume’s view on human enquiry is conceivable but that there remain some reasons to doubt the accuracy of his categorization. Hume argues in â€Å"Sceptical Doubts Concerning the Operations of the Understanding† that all of human enquiry falls into two areas, relations of ideas and matters of fact. I will begin by examining relations of ideas. Hume describes relations of ideas as discoverable through only thinking and calls them â€Å"intuitively or demonstratively certain† (Hume 19). We cannot envision the reverse of these relations of ideas. For example, we cannot picture a circular square b ecause that goes against the very definition of a square. A key feature of a contradiction is its inconceivability, so our inability to conjure a contradiction to a relation of ideas serves as a reason to believe Hume’s view. I will now inspect the second group, matters of fact. Matters of fact concern what is the case, and one can imagine the opposite of a matter of fact since it could potentially happen (Hume 19). For example, if I live in a house on the beach, I know that I can seeShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Customer Service Agent? 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