Thursday, November 21, 2019

Alzheimer's Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Alzheimer's Disease - Essay Example The ambiguity naturally appears already when noticing Alzheimer’s symptoms similarity to a normal aging, and mostly appears when treating and taking care of the ill person. While official clinical institutions, like Alzheimer’s Association and Alzheimer’s Society, provide a clear definition of AD from a normal aging on a ground physical brain changes, Rob J. M. Dillmann and Julian C. Hughes, Ph. D. explore a socio-cultural and ethical side of AD treatment. Alzheimer’s generally reveals itself as a disease which is hard to treat in a wright way. Specifically, Alzheimer’s is the disease which is hard to deal ethically with. It’s firstly hard to distinguish AD from normal aging process due to a similarity of symptoms on early stages. Alzheimer’s Association says, what commonly considered as elderly absent-mindedness, â€Å"may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s or another dementia† (â€Å"10 Early Signs†). Thus, to enlighten a disease specific, it’s firstly explored how AD differs from normal aging. The accent is put on physical symptoms’ interrelation with changes in person’s mentality. Secondly, as a person with Alzheimer’s, especially on latter stages, commonly demonstrates â€Å"the impaired decision-making abilities†, a socio-cultural context of the treatment is explode (Hughes 381). The discussion on ethical side of treating person with AD originates from those ill human beings’ loss of personality and from ambiguous determination of AD as a di sease, not a normal form of aging. The first symptom of Alzheimer’s as well as for many other dementias is a memory loss, because the disease starts with a physical brain damaging. According to Alzheimer’s Society, â€Å"During the course of the disease, proteins build up in the brain to form structures called â€Å"plaques† and â€Å"tangles† (â€Å"What is Alzheimer’s disease†). Nerve cells lose their

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